Partner Reviews

All submitted articles will be peer reviewed to ensure the quality of the scientific work. Articles submitted that meet the quality threshold for review will be published by the editor.

JCLS strongly believes in research publications that can be immediately accessed by experts, academics, researchers, practitioners, state administrators, non-governmental organizations, and observers of constitutional law and State Administrative Law, within seconds. All JCLS articles are Open Access and free to download. JCLS publishes in journals that provide direct open access to all of their articles on the publisher’s website.

Open Access publishing refers to the free availability of peer-reviewed papers on the internet worldwide, allowing any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full manuscript. However, you must provide appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate any changes. You may do so in any reasonable way, but not in any way to imply that the licensor endorses you or your use.

The Open Access Policy grants JCLS the right to license articles for free use. Alternatively, the authors (or their institution or funding agency).

Copyright Policy

The copyrights of all articles published in JCLS are retained by the authors, with the rights of first publication being granted to JCLS. JCLS is not responsible for the subsequent use of the work.

Authors reserve the right to reuse, republish, archive, and distribute their own articles upon publication, and undertake to allow others to distribute, mix, adapt, and build upon this work on a non-commercial basis provided the original work is properly cited.

By submitting an article for review, the author acknowledges that the submitted article has never been published (in the form of a journal article, thesis, or other means of publication), nor has it been reviewed for publication in another journal. The editor has the right to refuse submissions if it is proven not to be the original article.

Ethical Guidelines

JCLS is dedicated to supporting the great efforts of the editors, the academic contributions of the authors, and the respected volunteer work of the reviewers. JCLS is also responsible for ensuring that the publication system functions smoothly and ethical guidelines are in place to assist editors, writers and reviewers in carrying out their ethical duties.

Editor's Responsibilities

Editors must notify receipt of submitted manuscripts within two working days of receipt and ensure an efficient, fair and timely review process.

Editors must ensure that submitted manuscripts are processed confidentially and that no content of the manuscript will be disclosed to anyone other than the appropriate authors, reviewers and publishers.

The editor must withdraw from processing a manuscript if he or she has a conflict of interest with any of the authors or institutions associated with the manuscript.

The editor may not disclose the name and other details of the reviewer to third parties without the permission of the reviewer.

The editor has the right to make the final decision whether to accept or reject a manuscript with reference to the significance, originality, and clarity of the manuscript and its relevance to the journal.

Editors should not attempt to require authors to cite their journals as either an implied or an explicit condition for accepting their manuscript for publication.

Editors may not use for their own research any part of the data or work reported in submitted and unpublished articles.

Editors must respond promptly and take reasonable action when ethical complaints arise regarding submitted manuscripts or published papers, and editors must immediately contact and consult with authors. In these cases, a formal written retraction or correction may also be required.

Reviewer Responsibilities

A reviewer who feels unqualified to review an assigned manuscript or confirms that he or she is unable to meet the review completion deadline should immediately notify the editor and abstain from this review process.

The reviewer must notify the editor and refrain from reviewing the manuscript if there is a conflict of interest. In particular, reviewers should refrain from reviewing any manuscript written or co-written by a person with a clear personal or academic relationship with the reviewer if that relationship could give rise to bias or a reasonable perception of bias.

Reviewers must treat manuscripts confidentially. Manuscripts may not be disclosed or discussed with others except with the permission of the editor.

Reviewers should approach peer review work objectively. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable.

The reviewer may not use for his or her own research any part of the data or work reported in the submitted and unpublished articles.

The reviewer must promptly notify the editor of any similarities between the manuscript under review and other papers either published or under consideration by other journals. Reviewers should immediately call the editor's attention a manuscript containing plagiarized material or falsified data.

The review process is carried out by members of the JCLS Editorial Board, or academics who are considered capable of reviewing the technical and substantive aspects of a manuscript (including academics other than members of the Editorial Board).

Author's Responsibilities

Authors may not simultaneously submit manuscripts (or manuscripts describing essentially the same subject) to multiple journals. Similarly, an author may not submit any previously published paper anywhere to the journal for consideration. Publishing articles on a specific subject, such as clinical guidelines and translations, in more than one journal, is acceptable if certain conditions are met.

The author must present a precise and concise report of his research and an impartial description of its significance.

Authors must honestly collect and interpret research data. Publishers, editors, reviewers, and readers have the right to ask authors to provide raw research data for ease of editorial review and public access. Where possible, authors should retain such data for any possible use after publication.

The author must guarantee that the work he submits is original. If the author has used the work and/or words of others, appropriate citations are required. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

The author must indicate explicitly all sources that support the research and also state any conflicts of interest.

The author must give credit to all those who have contributed to this research. Those who have contributed significantly to the study should be listed as co-authors. Authors must ensure that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper and have approved its final publication.

The author must immediately notify the journal editor of any obvious errors in his published paper and cooperate conscientiously with the editor in the withdrawal or correction of the paper. If the editor is notified by a party other than the author that the published paper contains obvious errors, the author must write a retraction or make corrections based on the medium of publication.


After submitting an article, the author's name and email address will be used exclusively for review purposes, and will not be available to other parties.