Focus and Scope

Journal of Constitutional Law Society (JCLS) is an international journal in the field of constitutional law. JCLS does not rule out accepting scientific articles in State Administrative Law, Government Science, Political Science, International Relations, as long as the scientific studies are related to the development and progress of constitutional law

Section Policies

  Open Submissions               Indexed                      Peer Reviewed

Publication Frequency

Twice a year 

Open Acces Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Creative Commons License The Journal of Constitutional Law Society (JCLS) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Peer Review Process

  1. Editorial Check

    The JCLS Editorial Team will carry out basic checks to ensure that the submitted manuscript is under the scope of the Journal. Manuscripts that are outside the scope of the Journal will be immediately rejected.

  2. Plagiarism Check

    All manuscripts will go through a plagiarism checker. JCLS uses the Turnitin tool to ensure the authenticity of submitted papers. Manuscripts containing the substance of plagiarism, dishonesty, or self-plagiarism, will be immediately rejected, with a similarity limit of more than 30%.

  3. Peer Review

    We use a blind peer review system. In this process, the author's identification (name, affiliation, email) will remain anonymous. JCLS adopted this policy to ensure the objectivity of peer reviews. The process may take two to four weeks (depending on the editorial board) and will determine the status of the manuscript. If necessary, revision of the submitted paper may be required, and it is the responsibility of the author to revise in accordance with the results of the peer review. 4. Acceptance / Rejection The reviewer will determine whether the quality of the submitted manuscript matches the criteria and publication quality that we have set. We provide reviewers with the following options:Diterima: Tidak perlu revisi
    Accepted with Revisions: Revisions are required and must be completed before publication
    Disclaimer: Manuscript not accepted (authors are welcome to resubmit and at any time)