Constitutional Law Society <div style="text-align: justify;">Journal of Constitutional Law Society (JCLS) is an international journal in the field of constitutional law. JCLS does not rule out accepting scientific articles in State Administrative Law, Government Science, Political Science, International Relations, as long as the scientific studies are related to the development and progress of constitutional law. JCLS is an Open Access Journal that can be accessed and downloaded online and free of charge. JCLS is a journal managed by the Center for the Study of Constitution and Legislation, University of Bandar Lampung, one of the scientific incubators owned by the University of Bandar Lampung. JCLS strives to ensure high visibility and increased citation for all published scientific articles. This journal aims to facilitate scientific work on the latest theoretical and practical aspects of constitutional law and several scientific branches related to the development and progress of constitutional law and state administrative law. JCLS opens opportunities for experts, academics, researchers, practitioners, state administrators, non-governmental organizations, and observers of constitutional law and State Administrative Law to submit their manuscripts at any time.</div> <div>Journal Title : Journal of Constitutional Law Society<br />Editor in Chief : Dr. Rifandy Ritonga, S.H., M.H.<br />ISSN : 2829-5013 (<a href="">Online</a>)<br />Frequency : 2 issues per year</div> Center for Constitutional and Legislative Studies University of Bandar Lampung en-US Constitutional Law Society 2829-5013 ENFORCEMENT OF NOTARY CODE OF ETHICS AGAINST PROMOTION VIOLATIONS THROUGH INTERNET MEDIA IN INDONESIA <p><em>This study discusses the enforcement of the notary code of ethics against promotional violations through internet media in Indonesia. As a public official, Notary have a great responsibility in maintaining integrity and professionalism in carrying out their duties. However, in the current digital era, promotion through internet media is a complex issue due to the prohibition in the notary Code of ethics related to self-promotion. This study uses juridical-normative approach and descriptive-analytical approach to analyze the legal regulations and notary practices related to promotion in the internet media. The results showed that violation of this promotion ban may result in disciplinary sanctions from the notary Supervisory Board. However, the effectiveness of enforcing the code of conduct is still a matter of debate, with challenges in consistency and transparency in enforcing the rules. The importance of enforcing this code of ethics is not only as law enforcement, but also as a preventive effort to maintain the integrity of the notary profession and public trust. Thus, this study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the enforcement of the notary code of ethics against promotional violations through internet media in Indonesia.</em></p> Adhe Ismail Ananda Copyright (c) 2024 Constitutional Law Society 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 116 125 10.36448/cls.v3i2.77 THE INCREASING INCOME STRATEGY OF SUMBER AGUNG VILLAGE WEST PESIR DISTRICT THAT IMPACT ON COMMUNITY ECONOMY FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SIYASAH MALIYAH <p><em>The enactment of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government gives villages the right to regulate their regional affairs. In increasing the village's original income, the village government has the right and authority to widely utilize village wealth. Regarding village income sources, efforts to mobilize resources to develop the people's economic potential will increase people's productivity, so that the productivity of both human resources and natural resources around the people can be increased. In this research study, the formulation of the problem is how the strategy for increasing village original income has an impact on the community's economy and how siyāsah māliyah reviews this strategy. The aim of this research are to find out how the strategy of increasing village original income has an impact on the community's economy and how siyāsah māliyah views this strategy. The type of research used in this research is field research, where this research was carried out by interviewing staff at Sumber Agung Pekon, Ngambur District, Pesisir Barat Regency. Data analysis was carried out qualitatively, processing data analysis using descriptive analysis methods, namely discussions based on general thought patterns and then concluded in specific terms. The research results show that the strategy to increase village original income which has an impact on the community economy in the Sumber Agung area, Ngambur District, Pesisir Barat Regency is by establishing village-owned business entities, developing beach tourism, and also having village markets. The conclusion from the results of this research is that the strategy to increase village original income which has an impact on the economy of the community in the Ngambur area has made a contribution, although not much. Siyāsah māliyah's review of the increase in original village income which has an impact on the economy of the community in the Sumber Agung District of Ngambur is in accordance with the principle of benefit, namely prioritizing the interests of the people rather than the interests of the individual.</em></p> Elma Apriyan Rudi Santoso Mohammad Yasir Fauzi Rita Zaharah Copyright (c) 2024 Constitutional Law Society 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 126 137 10.36448/cls.v3i2.70 EQUAL STATUS BEFORE THE LAW BY INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN ORDER TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF LIFE IN SOCIETY, NATION AND STATE <p><em>The utilization of the Nagari Customary Court is actually important because it is needed by the customary law community. In fact, it is the customary law community that knows and understands the historical aspects and the ins and outs of the lineage, environment and local culture. Therefore, this research seeks to find an optimal model of utilization of the Nagari Customary Court. How is equal status before the law by indigenous peoples in order to improve the quality of life in society, nation and state. This research is a socio-legal research that uses a qualitative approach. The data used in the research are primary and secondary data. The data collection method is through literature study and interviews. Therefore, the articles of Pancasila that regulate equal rights and justice also apply to indigenous peoples, and must also be perceived through philosophical, juridical and sociological perspectives. Indigenous Peoples according to Jawahir Thontowi is a group of citizens who have genealogical ancestors in common, live in a place, have a common goal of living within the framework of values and norms, still enforce a binding Adat system, led by the head of Adat, coordinate the administration of power and the existence of dispute resolution institutions in the community.</em></p> Doris Rahmat Widya Daniswara Copyright (c) 2024 Constitutional Law Society 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 138 144 10.36448/cls.v3i2.80 THE ROLE OF VILLAGE APPARATUS IN DETERMINING RECIPIENTS OF THE FAMILY HOPE PROGRAM (PKH) ACCORDING TO MINISTER OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS REGULATION NO. 1/2018 FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SIYASAH TANFIDZIYAH <p><em>Peraturan Menteri Sosial Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 Tentang Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) merupakan program bantuan pemerintah berupa bantuan sosial bersyarat yang diperuntukan kepada keluarga miskin sebagai penerima manfaat PKH. Penerima manfaat PKH adalah masyarakat miskin dengan kriteria seperti ibu hamil/menyusui, keluarga miskin yang memiliki anak berusia 0 sampai 5 tahun 11 bulan, memiliki anak dalam masa belajar (SD sampai SMA sederajat), lansia serta penyandang disabilitas berat. Terbentuknya PKH merupakan upaya dalam&nbsp; mempercepat penanggulangan kemiskinan yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi angka dan memutus rantai kemiskinan. Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Sumatera Selatan khususnya desa Bandar Agung Kecamatan Lubuk Batang, merupakan salah satu&nbsp; desa yang telah mengimplementasikan PKH sejak tahun 2014. Namun, bantuan PKH ini banyak menimbulkan berbagai macam kesenjangan sosial dalam masyarakat akibat bantuan PKH yang dirasa kurang tepat sasaran dan tidak merata sampai dengan dugaan adanya campur tangan aparatur desa dengan kepentingan pribadi sehingga banyaknya penerima manfaat PKH dari kalangan masyarakat yang dirasa kurang tepat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah masyarakat di Desa Bandar Agung adalah masyarakat yang memang layak mendapatkan bantuan tersebut sesuai dengan Pasal 4 Peraturan Menteri Sosial Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 serta untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran dari Aparatur Desa dalam menentukan batasan-batasan penerima PKH di Desa Bandar Agung di tinjau dari Siyasah Tanfidziyyah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (Field-research), dan bersifat deskriptif analisis. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Peran Aparatur Desa dan Pengimplementasian Peraturan Menteri Sosial Nomor 1 Tahun 2018 Tentang Program Keluarga Harapan di Desa Bandar Agung masih kurang sesuai. Hal tersebut dikarenakan adanya kesenjangan sosial yang terjadi dikalangan masyarakat karena penentuan penerima manfaat PKH yang kurang tepat sasaran, disebabkan kurangnya koordinasi panitia PKH dengan aparatur desa yang kurang baik sehingga data yang didapat bukanlah data yang sesuai dengan kondisi ekonomi masyarakat saat ini.</em></p> Rudi Santoso Ance Kornia Ghandi Liyorba Indra Rita Zaharah Copyright (c) 2024 Constitutional Law Society 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 145 161 10.36448/cls.v3i2.90 TEN YEARS OF PRESIDENT JOKO WIDODO'S LEADERSHIP FORGING A DOMINANT NATIONAL LEGACY <p><em>This article examines Joko Widodo's ten years in office in Indonesia with a focus on key policies and their impact on society. It begins with the need to understand the social and economic transformation that has taken place under Jokowi's administration, as well as the challenges faced by the country. Initially, Jokowi was known as a populist leader as he showed his simplicity in living his life. However, politics can take a different course. The presidential term in Indonesia lasts for five years in one term and can be re-elected for one more term. Based on Article 7 of the 1945 Constitution. This means that the leadership era of President Joko Widodo or familiarly known as Jokowi is coming to an end, because he has been in power for two periods or the equivalent of ten years. The issues raised include how the implemented policies contribute to economic growth, infrastructure, and social welfare, as well as the community's response to these policies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of government policies and evaluate Jokowi's leadership performance in the political and social context. The results show that despite significant progress in infrastructure development and poverty reduction, there are still major challenges in terms of uneven development and human rights issues that need to be addressed to build a more inclusive future for Indonesia.</em></p> Shofa Zulfikar Rizza Anfal Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Constitutional Law Society 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 162 171 10.36448/cls.v3i2.87 RECRUITMENT POLICY OF CIVIL SERVANT CANDIDATES OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, CULTURE, RESEARCH, AND TECHNOLOGY FOR DIASPORA APPLICANTS WITH INDONESIAN CITIZENSHIP <p><em>In this study, researchers used the Yuridis-Normative legal research and writing methodology by using 3 (three) approaches, including conceptual approaches, statutory approaches, and comparative approaches. This research discusses the opportunities for Diaspora with Indonesian citizenship in the recruitment of Civil Servant Candidates for the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The legal issues raised in this research are as Diaspora with Indonesian citizenship are part of Indonesian citizens who are constitutionally valid so that their rights and obligations apply absolutely based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The issues discussed are the recruitment mechanism to accommodate the participation of Indonesian Diaspora who apply in the general formation and the continuation of studies for Diaspora who have passed the CPNS recruitment. Moreover, in this case, the Diaspora is not regulated in general formations, but special formations.</em></p> Nawangga Putra Pratama Antikowati Antikowati Christo Samurung Tua Sagala Copyright (c) 2024 Constitutional Law Society 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 172 184 10.36448/cls.v3i2.73 A CRITICAL LEGAL STUDIES PARADIGM OF THE PRESIDENTIAL THRESHOLD ELECTORAL SYSTEM IN INDONESIA <p><em>In the perspective of the Critical Legal Studies Paradigm, researchers do not have the intention to deliberately dismantle normative legal rules that are legally and constitutionally, but in this discourse the critical legal studies paradigm provides a lens that critical voices are voices that come from the people with a higher realm of awareness in view with the assumption of potential that will occur critically, involving the direction of thinking that tends to be deconstructive and very worthy of questioning. in this case the paradox that occurs between ontology and methodology or in simple language reality with normative methodological values itself, by separating political, sociological, historical, and ethical motives. In this case, the paradox that occurs between ontology and methodology or in simple language reality with normative methodological value itself, by separating political, sociological, historical, and ethical motives. in this study, researchers used a qualitative method based on the study of the normative rules of the 1945 Constitution. normatively in article 222 of Law Number 17 of 2017 concerning the election of the President and Vice President reads: The candidate pair is proposed by a political party or a coalition of political parties participating in the election that meets the requirements of obtaining at least 20% (twenty per cent) of the total seats in the DPR or obtaining 25% (twenty five per cent) of the national valid votes in the election of DPR members, before the implementation of the Presidential and Vice Presidential elections or the Presidential Threshold system if viewed deconstructively from the process of forming the rules of the Law or the legislature itself does not have a basic limiting framework of legal construction, With the pretext of strengthening the presidential system, the effectiveness of holding elections in an accountable manner, but ontologically or in reality this raises that the law is a political product is a reality and shows that political power is more dominant than the law itself, of course this is very paradoxical with the concept of a country that is considered democratic where political power should be subject to the law. In this foundation, something produced by the legal products of the legislature is worthy of criticism.</em></p> Anfal Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Constitutional Law Society 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 185 194 10.36448/cls.v3i2.88 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ISSUES AFTER THE ENACTMENT OF LAW 11 OF 2020 ON JOB CREATION <p><em>With the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government, it provides new regulations regarding the division of authority between levels of government. There are several administrations of government affairs which were previously part of the authority of the Regency/City and later became the authority of the State. The administration of government consists of the implementation of mandatory government and the implementation of elective government which is divided between the central government, provincial regions and regency/municipal regions. Mandatory Government Affairs are divided into Mandatory Government Affairs relating to Basic Services and Mandatory Government Affairs which are not related to Basic Services. The relationship of authority between the Central Government and Regional Governments in the system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia gave rise to the concepts of centralization and decentralization. The implementation of Regional Autonomy after the existence of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation took over the authority of the regional government, the authority of the Regional Government carried out by the Central Government can affect the existing government system in the region. Adjusted to the administration of government in the implementation of regional autonomy, this can affect local revenue which can have a negative impact on the area.</em></p> Syahrial Arsyi Baihaqi Copyright (c) 2024 Constitutional Law Society 2024-09-30 2024-09-30 3 2 195 205 10.36448/cls.v3i2.89